Benefits of the Child Advocacy Center

Child Advocacy Centers Make a Difference

Researchers at the Crimes Against Children Research Center at the University of New Hampshire released findings from the five-year multi-site national evaluation of the CAC model. Data from over 1,000 cases of sexual abuse handled by communities with and without a CAC collected and subject to comparison analysis highlights:

CAC’s showed significantly more evidence of coordinated investigations;
More children received a specialized medical evaluation;
More children were referred to mental health services;
Parents and caregivers of the children served by CAC’s were more satisfied with the investigation.


Child Advocacy Center’s offer children and their families:

Multi-agency support system
Hope and Healing


Child Advocacy Center’s Save Money

A recent national cost-benefit analysis of the CAC model shows that CAC’s save approximately $1,000 per case in services to children and families during the course of an investigation.